“Three, or the Triad, is most significantly expressed by the equilateral and the right-angled triangles. There are three principal colors or rays in the rainbow, which by intermixture make seven. The three are the blue, the yellow, and the red. The Trinity of the Deity, in one mode or other, has been an article in all creeds. He creates, preserves, and destroys. He is the generative power, the productive capacity, and the result. The immaterial man, according to the Kabalah, is composed of vitality, or life, the breath of life; of soul or mind, and spirit. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the great symbols of the alchemists. To them man was body, soul, and spirit,”
-Albert Pike
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The Greek called the trinity of man; Pneumatics, Psychics, and Hylics (Spiritual, Material, and Animal), likewise in Hebrew this is called Ruah, Nephesh, and Neshama. From these three, we become one.