“To study and seek to interpret correctly the symbols of the Universe, is the work of the sage and philosopher. It is to decipher the writing of God, and penetrate into His thoughts.”
Brother Cameron you mentioned in your reply to another post to this "challenging" . Indeed these thoughts of Brother Pike I find very challenging. Challenging because they are hard to understand and also because I wonder if our 2020's interpretation was that of Brother Pikes's? My 2c.'s. Thank you and More!
Thank you for sharing this MW Cameron. As a seeker of wisdom it gets me to think inside of Albert Pike's head. The man is certainly way before his time in his thoughts and philosophy.
This gets me thinking, the teachings of Masonry taught in hyrogliphics and symbols. Is this really the thoughts that is inside God's thoughts? Or is it the consciousness we give to these symbols that give it meaning?... Something I am still pondering about.
Brother Cameron you mentioned in your reply to another post to this "challenging" . Indeed these thoughts of Brother Pike I find very challenging. Challenging because they are hard to understand and also because I wonder if our 2020's interpretation was that of Brother Pikes's? My 2c.'s. Thank you and More!
Thank you for sharing this MW Cameron. As a seeker of wisdom it gets me to think inside of Albert Pike's head. The man is certainly way before his time in his thoughts and philosophy.
This gets me thinking, the teachings of Masonry taught in hyrogliphics and symbols. Is this really the thoughts that is inside God's thoughts? Or is it the consciousness we give to these symbols that give it meaning?... Something I am still pondering about.