This iteration of the Daily Pike was unfortunately, a failed experiment.
Not failed because it didn’t find a readership. It did.
And not failed because its readers weren’t willing to support it. They were.
It failed for what I can only term technical reasons. It was too much work to create a separate Substack newsletter, each day, for a short digestible quote. The process of putting the elements together took far more time than finding and contemplating whatever wisdom was being posted on any given day. It also failed because it was repetitive. The same photos, the same layout each and every day. It drove me crazy, but I didn’t have the time to create photos and layouts anew every time.
A short time ago, I created a virtual Book Club over on my personal Substack. The first month we read and discussed Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. This month we are reading and chatting about Frankenstein. It all takes place in the Chat section of that personal Substack. If this sounds interesting to you, I hope you’ll hit one of the links above and join us!
Also, quite recently, a Mason asked me if the Daily Pike would be returning.
I learned, as we were discussing Meditations, that Substack’s Chat is actually quite a wonderful place for posting quotes, and discussing those quotes. It’s easy to use, forever there, and conducive to conversation among like minded people. I also felt badly that this project, which I had so many hopes for, just didn’t really work out for the reasons mentioned above.
Putting those things together got me thinking.
Why not simply move the idea of the Daily Pike over to the Chat section of my primary Substack, Emeth? I had been using that space for Masonic news, but while that is undoubtedly important, it is much less important than discussion of Masonic philosophy.
Doing so will give all the benefits of the Daily Pike as it used to exist, without any of the headache or hassle.
So that’s what I’ve done.
The Daily Pike is back, as a part of Emeth. I hope that you will join me there as we explore gems from Pike’s work, and dive deeply into Freemasonic philosophy.
You can find the Daily Pike, version number 2, by clicking the link below:
I look forward to chatting with you about Pike very soon!