“Modern intellectuality cannot continue to grapple between two teachings which both exclude thought: between churches based on blind faith and schools which decree the dogmas of our new scientific beliefs.
Now that everything conspires to spare our contemporaries the trouble of thinking, it is essential that a powerful institution rekindle the torch of forgotten traditions. — We lack thinkers, and it is not our university education that can form them.
The thinker is not the man who knows a lot. His memory is not overloaded with cumbersome memories. He is a free spirit, who has no need to be catechized or indoctrinated.
The thinker is formed by himself: he is the son of his works. — Freemasonry knows it and avoids instilling dogmas in him. — Unlike all churches, it does not claim to be in possession of the Truth. — In Masonry, we limit ourselves to warning against error, then we urge everyone to seek the True, the Just and the Beautiful.”
-Oswald Wirth