“Every one is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgement.”
-Albert Pike
It is not my intention to provide commentary in these daily posts, simply to present Bro. Pike’s words. But, as this is the first post, I thought that today a bit of commentary about it was in order.
I selected the quote above, taken from the Preface to Morals & Dogma, because I think that it is a perfect reminder for the entire series of posts to come. Read them, consider them, but if one or more seems incorrect or unsound to you, discard it.
Only keep that which is of value to you.
In that way we can I think, all separate the wheat from the chaff as this project moves forward.
MW, a very appropriate opening quote. As Freemasons and even more so as men, we need to learn or re-learn critical thinking and apply it to our daily lives.
I like this one and fully agree. Keep up the good work.